Work Till You Drop: A Monologue

Work Till You Drop: A Monologue

Remember the story of Cinderella? Cinderella is forced to work long hours by the wicked stepmother and stepsisters. By the end of the day, her body and spirit feel exhausted.

How much can you relate to Cinderella’s experience in the modern workplace?

Do you feel exhausted by the end of the day?

This post may offer ideas to examine your work differently.

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A Mindful Spiritual Reflection: Beyond an Exit Statement
Baby Boomer Musings Joyce Li Baby Boomer Musings Joyce Li

A Mindful Spiritual Reflection: Beyond an Exit Statement

In making a major decision, what activities or thinking processes do you go through? I just learned a framework during Tuesday’s class on spiritual reflection that I find most helpful in guiding major decision-making and identifying one’s life purpose. This post describes this practical exercise on expounding the law of Attraction-Connection-Complexity-Consciousness.

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My Biggest Fear Yet
Baby Boomer Musings Joyce Li Baby Boomer Musings Joyce Li

My Biggest Fear Yet

September 2021 is a big month for me. It marked a few transitions. I thought about the wins, losses, and lessons in the past 12 months with some musings. I also reflected on my biggest fear. Am I such a pessimist that keeps worrying about things? Is it okay to contemplate what may come? How is it helpful (or not) to review my biggest fear?

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